Where did YOU see God this week?
I know that for some in our organization, this has been a challenging
a week. I guess that’s really true of most weeks in most organizations like
ours. When there are over 500 people doing the work that we do every day, really
getting in there and helping people with mental health, emotional, and behavioral
challenges, there are bound to be easier and harder days. While there are a variety
of things that can help with these difficult times, a fairly common and simple
approach to challenges can be to answer them with gratitude. As to not get
bogged down in the problems that abound, we can find the places and ways in
which we can be thankful, because those are also always in abundance.
In youth ministry, one way that I liked to begin a discussion
on gratitude is to ask students, “Where did you see God today?” I know that’s a
question that is often asked on mission trips, in order to help students
identify how God was working in, around, and through them. I know that many of
us at Methodist Family Health could answer this question as to where we have
seen God in our lives and work this week, but I had a couple of places where I
observed God that I wanted to share.
First, I saw God on Sunday afternoon. We had a local church
coming to lead a service for the students at the Little Rock RTC, and as I arrived
to get set-up, I had one of our RTC students ask to talk with me. She was upset
because she thought she was supposed to discharge the day before, but was still
there and at the time was not sure when her new discharge date was going to be.
She confided that she was worried about her standing with God, because she had
gotten upset and had blamed God that she was not yet home. She acknowledged
that she realized this sequence of events was not God’s fault, yet she was concerned
that God would leave her because of her blame and anger. I reminded her that
God was full of love and mercy, and that her blame would not impede her
standing with God through Christ. We walked downstairs to the service, and the
group immediately shared, through their devotional, their songs, and their
Scripture, the message that God will never leave us. One of their songs was
literally titled, “The God Who Stays.” In that moment, God proved to our
student, and reminded me, just how intimately God sees each of our students,
and really, each of us.
I also saw God this week in another student who stood to read
Scripture in a worship service that we were able to take her to on Wednesday
night, and as several of our students participated in a youth group discussion
with their peers, and then proceeded to pray for others and be prayed for. I saw
God in the seeming disruption that happened that caused only one client to be
in attendance for a Bible study, which ended up resulting in a very tailored
and great discussion about what God was doing in her life, and what she wanted
to do in return.
In short, I was just reminded at every turn this week that
God is with us. Even when it feels chaotic, even when we aren’t sure what we
are doing, that we are competent enough to be doing it, or if we feel forgotten
in our work, we can rest assured that the God who cares for the sparrows cares
for us. May our eyes be open to the reminders that are provided, and may we
reach for gratitude in times of difficulty.
Where did YOU see God this week?
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