Fruit of the Spirit- Self Control (and Captain Marvel!)

We’ve made it! Today’s devo focusses on our last fruit of the spirit—self-control! I emphasized Proverbs 25:28 when leading this study with our clients this week, but the one that came to mind this morning was a different verse. 2 Timothy 1:7 was a Scripture that I memorized and recited to myself regularly during my preteen/early teen years. It says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.”

As a 12 year old, my focus was on the first half of that verse. I was an extremely shy kid (in most situations), and knowing what I know now, I would say I may have even been living with some diagnosable anxiety. I clung to the promise that any fear that I felt was not from God, and that He gave me the power to be strong. And that is 100% true. However, I never really thought about the spirits of love and self-control that are also included in this verse.

            Last night, I finally went to see the Captain Marvel movie (just in time for the next Marvel movie releasing on Friday! I’ll try to give this illustration without too many spoilers! ) A big part of her story had to do with self-control. A leader had her convinced that the reason she wasn’t as powerful as she could be was because she lacked self-control and was too emotional. However, she later found out that her powers were actually being hindered by a device that had been planted on her. Once she removed that hindrance, that “other-control,” she was able to do everything she wanted and more. Her problem wasn’t a lack of control, it was the fact that someone else had that control.

            I wonder if we ever have the same problem? Obviously, we want to yield our lives to God, and give God the ultimate control that we know is best and that He deserves. However, I think that sometimes we live in that fear that is mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7. While one type of fear is defeated by power, I think another type of fear can be defeated by self-control. Are we allowing others to control us, or are we in control of our lives?

            That “other-control” can take many forms. Maybe we are afraid to do something because we are afraid of the opinions of others. Maybe we give the negative actions or words directed at us too much power, allowing them to turn a perfectly good day in to an awful one where we sit and pout and plan revenge. Or maybe we simply give in to peer pressure and jump into someone else’s negativity, saying things about people we later regret.

            The good news about this “other-control” is that it’s not that hard to take back. You are the only person on this planet who can exhibit YOUR self-control. You are the owner of each of your actions, and you are the only one who can decide to hand that control over to someone else. If you are at point where you feel like your actions are not “you,” or if you’re allowing others to control your thoughts, your words, your day…start working on self-control.

            God created you to be His unique masterpiece. His will is that you live the life He has given you as YOU. Don’t give the amazing opportunity to be yourself over to someone else. You take that chance and own your life! And, as Timothy reminds us, you don’t have to be afraid. God has given you the power, the love, and self-control needed to live out the amazing life God has chosen just for YOU!


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