Who are we?

This upcoming Monday at the RTC, our Bible study is going to be focused on comparing the lies we believe about ourselves against the things that Bible tells are true about the way God sees us. And, as any of us who work with people (especially people dealing with the trauma and issues that our clients tend to deal with) know, there are lots of lies that people can believe. So many of our kids and young adults are assaulted daily with thoughts that tell them they are worthless, they are alone, they are unloved, and they are not enough.

If we are honest, though, our clients at MFH are not the only ones who deal with these thoughts. These doubts are common-place throughout society, and even the most stable, happy, well-adjusted adult can have these fears creep in from time to time. Just this past week, I personally struggled with both self-doubt in regard to my job, and a pretty unfounded insecurity in a relationship. There was no need for me to worry about either, but I gave in to the lies that were swirling around in my head. And again, if we as healthy, functioning adults have this struggle, can we even begin to imagine to what degree some of our clients struggle with this?

God created us for community, both with Him and with others, so it makes sense that we all have a need to feel loved and worthy. The hope that we have, and what I plan to share with them on Monday, is the Biblical truth that we are loved. The Bible reminds us that God know us to the degree of counting the number of hairs that are (or aren’t, for some of us) on our head; finds us worthy enough to send His Son to die for our sins, and loves us enough to collect each of our tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8). The message that God loves us and gives us worth is mentioned over and over and over again throughout Scripture.

Even though we know this with our heads, however, sometimes those lies still creep in. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us that we should take every thought captive and submit it to Christ’s obedience. The best explanation of this I’ve ever heard was comparing our thoughts to airplanes. We can think of our minds as a runway, and when these thoughts of self-doubt, of fear, or even temptation, approach our runway, we just don’t let them land. We do our best to make sure they keep moving, and we choose not to give them a place to let those wheels touchdown.

So, as we move toward the close of this work week, may we take these false thoughts captive. Remember today that you are loved, you are known, and that God sees you as incredibly worthy. And, if you are struggling with these concepts, check out this wonderful song (the video is linked above) by Lauren Daigle that I’m sharing with the kids on Monday to help solidify these truths!


  1. Great song!!! And great words in this Devo!

  2. Wow this devotional is right on time.
    Thank your for your inspirational words .


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