Following God's Call!

As some of you know, our Group Home kids from across the state are at camp this week! They are spending at week at Camp Tanako in Hot Springs, and are getting the chance to fish, to have ice cream socials, to eat camp food,to sing camp songs, and do all of the fun things that I’m sure you remember when you think back to your days at a summer camp!

I have the opportunity to share with this amazing group of kids tonight at their worship service, and I’m planning to talk about Jonah, and how he wasn’t exactly jumping at the chance to do what God asked Him. However, ignoring God’s call ending up getting Jonah in to more trouble than he was bargaining for, and he came to realize that life would have been better if he had just listened in the first place. I chose to share the story of Jonah because of the “CRUISE” theme of camp this year, but I’m also choosing this story because it’s a reminder that I think we all (including me!) need to hear.

There are definitely times that I have chosen not to follow the path that God wants me to walk. It’s not because I was confused, or even that I didn’t hear Him—sadly, there are just times when I chose fear, or selfishness--my wants over God’s wants, my will over God’s will.  And beyond the basic disappointment of disobedience, I have no doubt that I have missed out on being a blessing to others because of my unwillingness to jump in and get started on the task that God had for me.

However, the redemption for Jonah in his story, and for us in ours, is that God’s default is love and compassion. God forgives us for any disobedience, and Lamentations 3 reminds us that His mercies are new every morning. God doesn’t stop giving us chances to serve Him, nor does His patience run out. Thankfully!!!

My challenge for the campers tonight, for myself today, and for all of our MFH family, is that we obey God’s call. May we not let fear or selfishness stop us from making ourselves available for God’s use. May we allow God to use us to be a blessing to those around us, and in turn, receive the blessing that comes with knowing that God has used us in mighty ways for His kingdom.


  1. Thank God for his mercy and always forgiving us, even at times when we may not deserve to be forgiven. Thank God for his grace and love because that is what keeps us living our day to day lives.

    The hard part for me is not fear or selfishness, it's about finding how to actually fulfil your purpose (calling) in life. The journey is pretty difficult but yet rewarding at times. However, as long as I remain faithful and trusting in Him, everything always seems to work out.

    Thank you, I needed this!

  2. At my Piano class yesterday, my teacher and I were discussing just how blessed we are and how we don't realize how blessed we are each and every day. I do not take life for granted because God chose me as a vessel for him and so everyday that I am able to get the wake up call from God I thank him and I try to bless others as often as I can. I appreciate the awesome Words and reminder that we all have a job to do to help build the kingdom of God. Thanks and again and Be Blessed.


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