"Being Brave--Engaged!"
Being Brave is Being Engaged!
“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day
may bring.” Proverbs 27:1
When I think about my life, the word “engaged” and the word “someday”
seem to go together! I was “older” when I got married, or at least, it felt
older to me. As of today, I’ve been married for almost 10 months, so I’m
definitely still getting the hang of it. As I went through my teens, and then
all the way through my twenties, and then half-way through my thirties, I kept
waiting for that “someday.” The day that I would meet the perfect guy, that he
would sweep me off my feet, we would fall madly in love, and then that would
turn in to forever. I felt like I waited for a long time. And, I will admit,
that once I met my husband, and realized that He was the one I wanted to marry,
I was somewhat impatient to become engaged. I had been waiting so long—I was
ready for it! I wanted a ring on my finger, I wanted a story to tell everyone, I
wanted to begin planning our wedding, and the rest of our lives! I felt like my
forever was so close, yet I was still waiting on that “someday” engagement to
make it official.
In our Being Brave
study, Kelly Johnson uses the words someday and engagement as kind of
opposites. She talks about procrastination, and how if we continue to wait for
someday, we will never become fully active or engaged in the life that Christ
wants for us to have today. Some examples she gives are, “Someday, I will call
my friend; Someday, I will have that difficult conversation, or feed hungry
children, or visit the lonely, or fight for the oppressed,” and the list goes on
and on. And we all have our own lists. There are things that we all know we
need to do, and things that we may even truly desire to do, but for whatever
reason, we just can’t seem to get around to them. Maybe it’s time. Maybe it’s
fear. Maybe it’s a bit of both. “Someday is comfortable and safe, and lets me
off the hook.”
However, if we are being honest, “Someday is a myth.” We are
not guaranteed someday. As the verse above reminds us, none of us know what is
ahead. While it is nice to think that we have all the time in the world to
reach out to that person, or to take whatever step God is calling us to take, we need
to “encourage each other daily, while it is still called today” (Hebrews 3:13).
Moving from “someday” to “today”
takes action. It may take planning, it may take putting some other things aside
to carve out some time, or it may just take biting the bullet and making that
first move. It’s not always easy, and it’s definitely NOT the path of least resistance.
However, once we start, we will find that it is so fulfilling. Today is a
better day than someday. It’s where the actual stuff of life is—the laughter,
the tears, the healing, the connectedness—all of that can be ours. TODAY.
Questions for Thought:
- What is ONE step you can take toward being more engaged in life, today??
- What is in your way of being fully engaged in life? What can you do to begin correcting that?
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