"Being Brave- Empowered!"

“Being Brave is Being Empowered by the Holy Spirit!”

  “When you are put into their hands, do not worry what you will say or how you will say it. The words will be given you when the time comes. It will not be you who speak the words. The Spirit of your Father will speak through you.”- Matthew 10:19-20

Have you ever been in one of those situations where you have NO IDEA where the words that just came out of your mouth came from? I can think of so many times in my life where I’ve answered a question, or delivered a message on the spot that I could not have come-up with on my own, no matter how long I was given. I can think of more times, though, where my words sounded like a bumbling mess to me, but somehow, despite my efforts, someone still got something out of it.

Just this week in Bible Study at the RTC, we had one student ask if I could pray with her to follow Christ, and two others ask if they could be baptized. That was not what the focus of our lesson was, nor was Bible study this week extremely focused or calm. I was in the front, talking about communion and miracles, but these students heard something else. They heard God speaking love to their hearts, and calling them to Himself, and in the end, my words were of little consequence.

In our study this week, author Kelly Johnson reminds us:
“We are not stumbling through our days alone….An inspired word of comfort to a hurting friend, a reminder of a phone call of encouragement we wanted to make, the answer to a seemingly overwhelming problem with which we have been struggling—all evidence of the kindness and compassion of our Abba Father meeting us in our moment of need. “

There are also times that God wants to use us when words aren’t even necessary. There are difficult times in which we are left wondering what we can say to our friend who has just experienced loss, or who is waiting on test results, or who is left reeling from some hard news. But, think back to when you have been the one in need of that encouragement. You probably don’t remember the words that were said to you near as much as you remember the faces of those who surrounded you, and the hugs of encouragement from those who reached out. In these times of trouble, sometimes God will use you to give a word of wisdom, but at other times, He will simply use your presence to be a ministry. The important part is that we don’t shy away because we are afraid we don’t know what to say. Trust that God will give you the needed words, or trust that your presence is enough.

When Christ ascended back to Heaven, He promised His followers that the Holy Spirit would come, and would be with us. God has chosen us to be His ministers. He wants us to deliver His words, to serve as His hands and feet, and to come alongside those who are in need of a touch from Him. Are you willing to serve? Walk in the confidence of knowing that you are chosen by Christ, and be brave and empowered to use the words that He gives you!

** This is our LAST week of our “Being Brave” study! I hope that you guys have enjoyed it, and that you feel a little more Bold, Resilient, Authentic, Vulnerable, Engaged, and Empowered as you walk with Christ!

Discussion Questions:

-         -  Have you ever experienced a time when you felt the Holy Spirit gave you the words you needed?

-        -  Does the idea that the Holy Spirit is with you and wants to empower you make you braver?


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