Black Friday!

So, since we talked about Thanksgiving last week, I wanted to take this week’s blog to talk about the next major holiday coming up! You know, the one where kids of all ages wake up early to see what gifts are out there for them, where they gather with family and friends to enjoy time with one another and eat a warm breakfast, and where some of them even go out in matching pajamas--- BLACK FRIDAY!

I’ll be honest—I am NOT much of a Black Friday shopper. We didn’t really grow up with that tradition in our home. The one time that I’ve gone, I was probably about 25, and I went with my mom and her best friend. We left our house around 4 am (Yes, in matching snowflake shirts), and I just remember counting down the hours until I could take a break and stop for some chicken minis from Chick-fil-a.

However, I will say that it was entertaining to watch people, and how seriously they took this “fun” shopping trip. The best part for me was that we were in my hometown (I had gone home for Thanksgiving), so I knew a lot of the people we encountered that morning (night?)
There were groups that were so large in number that they blocked most of an aisle, providing defense while their star member loaded up a cart. There were gobs of matching outfits, but there were also people on walkie-talkies, radioing each other from different parts of the store. Then there were the families that we talked to who had split up, and sent a few members to Target, while others braved the lines at Wal-Mart, taking more of the divide and conquer approach.

I can honestly say that I can’t remember any of the gifts that were given or received as a result of that trip, but I do remember the shared experience that I had with my mom and her friend! And, as I think back on that ONE-TIME trip, it also kind of reminds me of how we should live our Christian lives. (And no, we should not hit, kick, and block others to Christ!)

But, this Christian journey that we are on is not one that is meant to be traveled alone. In fact, within the second chapter of the Bible, we hear God say in Genesis 2 that “it is not good for man to be alone.” And, while this was specifically referring to Adam and his need for a mate, I think it demonstrates God’s heart for his people, and his plan that while we are intended to have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship with Him, it is also His desire that we have relationships with one another.
While those Black Friday shoppers who worked in teams were more successful than the ones going it solo, so are we more successful in our Christian lives when we surround ourselves with others trying to get to a similar destination.  Romans 12:4-5 says,  “For as in one body we have many members and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”

The bottom line is, we need one another. That is how Christ has designed it! We need those who can share our burdens, those who can support us, pray for us, listen to us, and even give us some words of correction as needed. And, in turn, we need to be people who support, pray, listen, and say the hard things to others. As you will hopefully have time over the next week to connect with friends or family over a Thanksgiving meal; take a look at those around the table, and take a minute to be thankful for the community that God has provided you with. And, if your table doesn’t have enough people, or you feel your community is lacking, take steps to create one. Find a small group or a church, or just start by reaching out and taking time to meet your neighbors, or deepen your connections with your co-workers.

And, by all means, if you are going out Black Friday shopping, God be with you. 

Discussion Questions:

1- What, if anything, is your "Black Friday" tradition? 

2- Where have you been able to find your Christian community? (or-- what steps do you need to take to help increase your Christian community?) 


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  2. 1. No traditions. I may or may not go that afternoon by myself.
    2.When I was younger youth group and church camp. Now small groups and serve teams at church.

    1. 1. I went one time with my wife and that was enough for me.
      2. Church is my first and most obvious answer - However I do enjoy reading about all the different ways individuals celebrate and support their community and friends. I am interested in seeing how individuals' are making a difference in the world. I also have been extremely blessed/inspired with very close friends that walk their faith daily based on their actions not their words.

    2. I think churches sometimes do a better job of helping kids and youth into community! I found that when I moved to Arkansas as a young, single adult, it took me awhile to find a place to discover that community, even as an active member of a church!

      But, I agree that small groups are great, and the ones that are really good at it ARE the ones that are making a difference in their communities!


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